Category: Quebec History

Recension : Deschênes, Un pays rebelle

Compte-rendu critique Gaston Deschênes, Un pays rebelle : La Côte-du-Sud et la guerre de l’Indépendance américaine. Québec : Septentrion, 2023. Ouvrage portant sur un aspect plutôt méconnu de l’histoire québécoise, Un pays rebelle arrive à la veille du 250e anniversaire de l’occupation de la vallée du Saint-Laurent par les troupes continentales. Son auteur, Gaston Deschênes, a été […]

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Those Who Returned: One Family’s Journey to the U.S. and Back

An earlier version of this essay appeared in the winter 2022-2023 issue of Le Forum, the quarterly publication of the Franco-American Centre (University of Maine). Please cite appropriately. On both sides of my family, I am a direct descendant of individuals who elected to live and work in the United States. See, on the migrations of […]

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Migratory Beachheads and Marauding Canadians

We might call it a consensus. Whereas most works of Franco-American history focus on the period between the U.S. Civil War and the Great Depression, scholars would generally agree that the great hemorrhage, la grande saignée, began around 1840. Amid the economic and political turbulence that followed the Canadian Rebellions of 1837-1838, French Canadians settled […]

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Les Franco-Américains et le Québec

Pour une mise en contexte par rapport à l’histoire franco-américaine, consultez mon billet détaillant les grandes lignes de ce passé ou encore mon survol du parcours politique des « Francos ». Mon dernier billet présente l’idéologie de survivance dans les grands centres franco-américains suite à la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. On ne saurait exagérer la complexité et la diversité du monde francophone […]

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The Lost Wor(l)ds of Franco-America

This post marks the fifth anniversary of this Franco-American history blog. Sincere thanks to everyone who has read, encouraged, and supported its research and reflections. The author delivered the following remarks as the opening lecture of the University of Maine at Fort Kent’s Scholars Symposium on April 26, 2022. The transcript appeared in the summer […]

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Roads, Rails, and Canals: Quebec and the Transportation Revolution

For generations, the field of migration history has evolved around a basic framework of push and pull factors. We can explain people’s decision to relocate by looking at their existing circumstances and the suspected advantages (real or perceived) offered by their destination. But the how—the process of relocating—is too often lost in this framework, which […]

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Review: Rocheleau Rouleau, Heritage of Peace

Book Review Corinne Rocheleau Rouleau and Louise Lind (editor), Heritage of Peace – Land of Hope and Glory. Cumberland, R.I.: Jemtech, 1996. In Heritage of Peace, we may have one of those rare cases where the author is more interesting than her subject. That author, Corinne Rocheleau Rouleau (henceforth Rocheleau to avoid confusing her with […]

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One Story to Rule Them All

It’s clear. It’s compelling. It’s devastating. It’s a narrative. Whether personal, political, or historical, a narrative is a coherent, cohesive story that provides clear, if simplified, explanations and expresses specific values. As such, a narrative not only describes events, but often proposes a certain course of action. A narrative offers intellectual shortcuts: if you know […]

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Histoire des Franco-Américains : Un survol

Les résidentes et les résidents des États-Unis qui déclarent des origines françaises se comptent par millions. Pensons à la population huguenote installée en Amérique du Nord à l’époque coloniale et dont l’empreinte culturelle s’est largement effacée. Plusieurs grandes villes du pays reçoivent plus tard des gens venus directement de l’Hexagone. La Louisiane, le seul état […]

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