Category: Historiography

Reinvigorating Franco-American History

This week marks this blog’s seventh anniversary. Thank you for your continued readership. In 2000, in the American Review of Canadian Studies, C. Stewart Doty wrote of “The Future of the Franco-American Past.” Doty proposed lines of research that would substantially improve our understanding of Franco-American history. In the wake of a decade of sustained […]

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Franco-American Archives: Dartmouth College

The two-hundredth post of Query the Past finds us where we started more than six years ago—with Mason Wade. A twentieth-century historian, Wade earned attention and praise for his biographies of Margaret Fuller and Francis Parkman and later his magnum opus, The French Canadians 1760-1945 (1955). A follow-up post that elicited its own controversy addressed […]

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New Frontiers in Franco-American History

Although there is ample room for concern about the state of Franco-American culture in the U.S. Northeast, we can take (some) solace in the sustained pace of research on—and the level of interest in—Franco-American history. New works have shown that we need not envy the research endeavors of the 1980s and 1990s that led to […]

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Histoire du Québec : Rectifier le tir

À lire ce qui s’écrit sur les réseaux sociaux, bon nombre de Québécoises et de Québécois vivent un combat quotidien—une petite guerre amorcée à la fin du régime français et loin d’être achevée, une petite guerre qui anime tous les aspects de la vie publique du Québec. Entendons-nous : le fait français est minoritaire dans son […]

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French New York

My earliest memories and only childhood memories of New York State are of peaks and valleys: a family trip to Whiteface Mountain and Ausable Chasm. Eventually I would see New York City, Jamestown, Little Falls, Troy, Whitehall, Ticonderoga… the list goes on (though Watkins Glen remains obstinately on the bucket list). Only recently did I […]

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Recension : Deschênes, Un pays rebelle

Compte-rendu critique Gaston Deschênes, Un pays rebelle : La Côte-du-Sud et la guerre de l’Indépendance américaine. Québec : Septentrion, 2023. Ouvrage portant sur un aspect plutôt méconnu de l’histoire québécoise, Un pays rebelle arrive à la veille du 250e anniversaire de l’occupation de la vallée du Saint-Laurent par les troupes continentales. Son auteur, Gaston Deschênes, a été […]

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More Internet Resources on Franco-American History

Well-worn ruts are as attractive to researchers as they are to travelers. In other words, it can be difficult to break out of established narratives and look at historical issues from a new perspective. This isn’t to imply that old historical writing is bad historical writing, but historians seek to assert the relevance of the […]

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One Story to Rule Them All

It’s clear. It’s compelling. It’s devastating. It’s a narrative. Whether personal, political, or historical, a narrative is a coherent, cohesive story that provides clear, if simplified, explanations and expresses specific values. As such, a narrative not only describes events, but often proposes a certain course of action. A narrative offers intellectual shortcuts: if you know […]

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