Author: PL

King George III as a Late Stuart (Part III)

Part III: From Redress to Revolution See Part II here. The seeds of the King’s later image as a friend of popery, were thus sown in 1774, and some immediate responses foreshadowed subsequent attacks. In eastern Massachusetts, subjects evoked the memory of “our fugitive parents” who had been “persecuted, scourged, and exiled.” The Quebec Act […]

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King George III as a Late Stuart (Part II)

Part II: The Quebec Act See Part I here. Whenever Catholics were politically disarmed, their place in majority British societies involved numerous inconsistencies. More immediately threatened and theologically justified than subjects in Britain, New England’s Puritans also harboured far stronger anti-Catholic feelings than other colonists. Congregationalist ministers identified the Catholic Church as the Antichrist as […]

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King George III as a Late Stuart

Part I: Introduction This paper was presented at the University of Ottawa on May 30, 2015. It appeared in print in the next issue of the Canadian Society of Church History’s Historical Papers. ~          ~          ~ The Glorious Revolution cast a long shadow. Through the eighteenth century, English subjects found in it evidence of a […]

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Franco-American History Blog: A Tribute to Mason Wade (1913-1986)

The several million Americans of French or French-Canadian origin, who are among the oldest Americans of European stock, are for the most part human vestiges of the vast continental French empire in North America. Thus began historian Mason Wade’s essay on Franco-American history in The New Catholic Encyclopedia, published a half-century ago. In the 1950s […]

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